- Mar 14, 2016
Marco Malavolti authored
Useful file for the Shibboleth Lazy Session Authentication on a MediaWiki site.
Marco Malavolti authored
Enriched README with some useful information about Shibboleth lazy session with mediawiki that allows the access only to that users having the "entitlement" attribute valued to "urn:mace:example.it:wiki".
Marco Malavolti authored
Improved Login/Logout link by fixing the code that didn't use the right "getShibAssertionConsumerServiceURL()" function correctly and add the global variable "$shib_logout" that now can be used for a shibboleth lazy session that uses $shib_WAYFStyle = "CustomLogin" and a not standard URL for $shib_AssertionConsumerServiceURL variable. $shib_logout and $shib_AssertionConsumerServiceURL are located on LocalSettings.php
- Apr 10, 2015
Balazs Varga authored
Added $shib_group_delete flag
Francesco Malvezzi authored
- Dec 21, 2014
Tamás Michelberger authored
Added management of groups attribute and modification of SSOlogin
- Nov 19, 2014
Andrea Biancini authored
- Nov 14, 2014
Andrea Biancini authored
- Jul 24, 2013
Balazs Varga authored
fix: use of $IP in function scope needs global
Michael Gissing authored
- Jul 23, 2013
Balazs Varga authored
If the $shib_AssertionConsumerServiceURL wasn't set or it was empty, the variable didn't initialized properly when we assembled the logout url. Fix bug: in a previous commit (82e34a0a), $shib_WAYF unintendedly replaced when we assembled the login URL so the configuration variable had no effect (credits to @scolytus, thanks!)
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored
use $IP in require_once path (thx to @scolytus)
Michael Gissing authored
- Apr 14, 2013
Balazs Varga authored
Hide login and anonlogin links aren't enough, users able to open to Special:UserLogin page and try to login there. You can disable this page with this hook (see: www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Special_pages#Disabling_Special:UserLogin_and_Special:UserLogout_pages)
Balazs Varga authored
After upgraded to PHP 5.4 the extension broke with fatal error, I think caused by this: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.references.pass.php
- Mar 13, 2013
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored
- Feb 21, 2013
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored
bugfix: force logout if there is only MW session user: prevent incostintent state when there's no Shib session
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored
Balazs Varga authored